Banano Telegram Tipbot and New Groups Launched!
We have just officially launched our BANANO Telegram Tipbot, and also new official BANANO Telegram Groups in several different languages…

We have just officially launched our BANANO Telegram Tipbot, and also new official BANANO Telegram Groups in several different languages! You’ll find the list of all new groups further below. Join us for the Tipbot Release party! Everyone is welcome!

What is BANANO?
If you don’t know BANANO yet: BANANO is a feeless, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology to disrupt the meme economy. BANANO is a fork of NANO, but we added memes, free distribution with faucet games, monKeys, the slickest mobile crypto ever (Kalium), and lots of other cool stuff!
We’ve also had active and successful BANANO tipbots at our Discord and subReddit for quite some time already. Now, we have added a Telegram Tipbot to also include Telegram users in BANANO’s free & fair ongoing distribution ecosystem. And at this occasion, we also created several fresh groups for users preferring other languages!
Where to find the groups and how to get started?
Below you’ll see the complete list of BANANO official Telegram groups, and you’ll always find an updated overview and a how-to helping you to getting started at

Official News Channel (english)
Official Group (english)
Official Groups (local)
Spanish | Portugues | Vietnamese | Indonesian | Russian
Italian | French | German | Polish | Japanese | Chinese
Other groups
Banano Exchange (Spanish group helping people to trade BANANO)
Why so many groups?
You might realize that now, since Kalium with its paperwallet claim feature is out for both Android and iOS, we are prepared to increase BANANO distribution also in the real world, to people who are not into crypto at all yet! To make sure we can help folks getting started in all languages needed those groups and our dedicated mods and community will make an important contribution.
If you are up for moderating or advertising one of the groups being not that populated yet (e.g. the French/Chinese/Japanese groups) please contact @bantano#1919 at our Discord or reply below. If you think any language in particular is missing please contact us and we’ll change that ❤
A BIG ‘thank you’ to our community member @Roni/Hantex who created the BANANO Telegram Tipbot, and to all our betatesters ❤
Now head over to Telegram and you might be get tipped with some free BANANO right away :)
Note: Please refrain from directly asking for BANANO, since we have a strict no-begging policy in all our channels. If you show interest in BANANO there’ll be tips coming to you, no worries.
Update Feb 19th, 2019: Unfortunately there are issues with the current Telegram Tipbot. Please withdraw your BANANO from the bot, we’ll check and come up with a solution hopefully soon. Please follow announcements.
Join the Banano republic!
$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.
Official Website:
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