BANANO Social Media Recap May 2019
Here’s the May issue of BANANO’s monthly social media recap! The BANANO community is growing strongly on all platforms and got lots of…

Here’s the May issue of BANANO’s monthly social media recap! The BANANO community is growing strongly on all platforms and got lots of attention in the past month. This was mainly due to our spectacular release of the new BANANO Miner Faucet based on Folding@Home, enabling everyone to contribute to medical research while earning BANANO, and the introduction of a new BANANO TipBot for both Telegram and Twitter. The celebration of Easter with an Easter Egg Hunt event going through all our channels also was a great success.
This recap was made for you to catch up and keep the overview about new BANANO channels and their development, and remind our awesome community to engage in all channels as much as possible, to spread the word about BANANO, and especially to help new users to have an easy and smooth start when they discover BANANO for the first time. Of note, we’re doing regular giveaways and small airdrops in all our social channels!

What Happened in April? A Short Recap
The all-new BANANO Miner Faucet using the Folding@Home platform is already a huge success! Here, you can contribute to medical research while earning BANANO! The BANANO Miner has only been running for 3 weeks, but Team BANANO is impressively climbing all-time rankings (currently rank 36 of 228568 total teams!) and leading the monthly team highscores! Join us now and start folding at if you didn’t yet!

BANANO has now a new Tipbot for both Twitter and Telegram, which helps a lot to spread the word and demonstrate how easy-to-use BANANO really is. Read more details in this article.

If the few weeks the BANANO Tipbot is online, at total of almost 300k BANANO with a value of more than 400 USD was sent in more than 6700 transactions:

Also, BANANO was recently listed by three new Asian exchanges, which has led to considerably higher BANANO daily trading volumes: Citex, QBTC and Bitmesh. An overview about all current exchanges and trading pairs can be found here at Coingecko. New to crypto trading? Help getting started can be found here. Of note, mentioning exchanges doesn’t mean any official endorsement, please do your own research and be mindful when trading. And most importantly, never store funds on exchanges unless you actually plan to trade!
And another quick note: BANANO websites including and are now Brave verified publishers, meaning you can support BANANO development with BAT tips if you like :)
Monthly Social Media Channel Recap
Now here’s a short overview about our current main channels with follower counts as of May 1st, 2019 compared to counts from April, March, February and January 2019 (as far as available):
Medium: 304 (Apr: 244; Mar: 212; Feb: 44; Jan: 25)
Discord: 21643 (Apr: 19329; Mar: 17936; Feb: 17488; Jan: 16326)
Reddit: 2140 (Apr: 1704; Mar: 1510; Feb: 1394; Jan: 1248)
Twitter: 3641 (Apr: 2860; Mar: 2520; Feb: 2482; Jan: 2275)
Instagram: 870 (Apr: 797; Mar: 726; Feb: 689; Jan: 600)
Facebook: 1171 (Apr: 971; Mar: 858; Feb: 783; Jan: 559)
Telegram (main group): 2033 (Apr: 1392; Mar: 1112; Feb: 840; Jan: 742)
Telegram (news channel): 502 (Apr: 242; Mar: 123; Feb: 27)
Youtube: 235 (Apr: 222; Mar: 165; Feb: 156; Jan: 153)
Steemit: 21 (Apr: 17; Mar: 12; Feb: 7)
Cheddur: 128 (new)
Of note, the cyrpto-agnostic blogging platform Publish0x doesn’t show how many followers we have, but we always have quite some views on our articles there, and their concept of rewarding writers and readers with cryptocurrencies seems to work quite well so far. We’ll still keep publishing all major updates in our blog at Medium, but to be even more visible for new potential community members we will publish all major and also most minor updates also in our Publish0x blog.
BANANO Telegram Recap
Telegram is used by many people and the perfect place to spread the word and help new people getting started with BANANO, in their language. That’s why we are opening more and more channels, and our Telegram Tipbot enables us to send all new members some BANANO right away through a near-instant, feeless on-chain transaction, seeing is believing!
Here are current follower counts of all official BANANO Telegram Groups for May 1st, 2019:
English: 2033 (Apr: 1392; Mar: 1112; Feb: 840; Jan: 742)
Spanish: 1316 (Apr: 1156; Mar: 1103; Feb: 1056)
Portuguese: 233 (Apr: 123; Mar: 28)
Indonesian: 210 (Apr: 106; Mar: 83; Feb: 24)
Turkish: 205 (Apr: 141)
Vietnamese: 168 (Apr: 42; Mar: 25)
Russian: 165 (Apr: 123; Mar: 66)
Filipino: 126 (Apr: 14)
Chinese: 125 (Apr: 71; Mar: 20)
Romanian: 77 (Apr: 32)
Italian: 68 (Apr: 14; Mar: 12; Feb: 5)
French: 34 (Apr: 13; Mar: 8)
India: 33 (new)
German: 31 (Apr: 21; Mar: 16)<
Korean: 31 (Apr: 22; Mar: 20)
Polish: 26 (Apr: 12; Mar: 5)
Japanese: 12 (Apr: 6; Mar: 4)
Latvian: 7 (new)
Spanish Banano Exchange Group: 999 (Apr: 951; Mar: 922; Feb: 928)
You’ll find a Telegram Tipbot How-To and all group links always here:
There are also other Telegram groups now using the BANANO Telegram tipbot, for example the relatively new but already popular Block Lettuce — DAG Discussion group! This seems a great trend for more BANANO distribution and usage!
Generally, make sure you join suitable groups, help others, and spread the word about BANANO! All this is just the beginning ❤
Any group missing? Interested in helping out as moderator? Send a message to @bantano#1919 at our Discord or comment below!
BANANO Facebook Recap
BANANO is also expanding its community at Facebook, here’s an overview of our current groups:
Facebook page: 1171 (Apr: 971; Mar: 858; Feb: 783; Jan: 559)
English: 432 (Apr: 347; Mar: 308; Feb: 263)
Spanish: 665 (Apr: 471; Mar: 396; Feb: 230)
Vietnamese: 128 (Apr: 26; Mar: 15)
Portuguese: 60 (Apr: 44; Mar: 34)
Indonesian: 30 (Apr: 21; Mar: 20)
German: 11 (Apr: 9; Mar: 8)
New Official Chinese BANANO Community Channels
After the rapid growth of our Chinese Community in recent weeks, BANANO now also has brand-new official groups at QQ (523 members) and WeChat (220 members)! Find QR codes to join below:

How can YOU help?
BANANO is merely what its community makes out of it ❤
Make sure you join our channels and suitable groups, help others, and spread the word about BANANO! If you want to help spreading the word and increasing our community, like and share/retweet our posts, otherwise it’s hard for others to find BANANO ;)
Any group/language missing? Interested in helping out as moderator at Telegram or Facebook? Send a message to @bantano#1919 at our Discord, or leave a comment below for questions or suggestions.
At this occasion: A YUUUGE hug and thank you to all our moderators at all the different $BANANO social media channels for doing a really really awesome job ❤
Previous BANANO social media recaps:
April 2019 | March 2019 | February 2019 | January 2019
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$BANANO is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.
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