Here’s How YOU Can Help Fighting Coronavirus — and You’ll Even Get Crypto Rewards! Let’s Do It!
Let’s all take a moment and appreciate that these are hard times for almost everyone. Volatile markets, banks printing money like crazy…

Let’s all take a moment and appreciate that these are hard times for almost everyone. Volatile markets, banks printing money like crazy, and the Coronavirus pandemic is spreading. Finally, everyone wonders what they could do against all this. The answer is simple: Let’s ALL team up and support science in fighting the COVID-19 virus! It’s super easy. The only thing you need is any computer and few minutes of your time! Read below how it works.

Let’s all team up and fight Coronavirus!
In brief, you will support the Folding@Home project with your computer power to fight Coronavirus, and we pay you a reward for doing so.
What is Folding@Home?
The Folding@Home project is running since many years and allows everyone to support medical research by contributing their computing power and help fighting many different diseases such as Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Cancer, Alzheimer’s and many more. Now, the project is explicitly calling for everyone’s help to fight Coronavirus and find new therapies against it! Read more here.
It’s simple: You download the Folding@Home client, then your computer runs protein fold simulations in the background (powered by your CPU and/or GPU) which in turn helps researchers fight diseases. In that sense it’s similar to mining, but you’re doing something really useful with your computer power.

What does crypto or BANANO have to do with it?
BANANO is a cryptocurrency distributed for free to everyone since 2 years in many different ways. About 1 year ago, we have started to support the Folding@Home project by paying every contributor to Folding@Home who joins the BANANO team through an integration called ‘BananoMiner’. That means we’re rewarding everyone who supports Folding@Home with free cryptocurrency and thereyby use the BananoMiner integration as part of our ongoing free & fair distribution scheme. Read more about BANANO below.
Also, everyone please share this article with your friends and help them get started as well! Everyone counts! Let’s do it!
Also, we’ll shortly announce a bounty program on top of this rewarding everyone who spreads the word about this, so make sure to note what you did, you’ll be able to claim this bounty also in retrospect. Stay tuned for announcements!
How to Set Up Folding@Home and Get Crypto Rewards
Get a Banano address from or the Kalium mobile app if you don’t have one yet. Make sure to keep your private key safe. Your Banano address starts with ‘ban_…’
No worries, this will only take few minutes and is easy!
Help getting started at
Head to and enter your Banano address into the text box. Then click “Start Now!”

Write down YOUR personal User ID provided, and the team ID which will be “234980” for everyone:

Download the Folding@Home desktop client here and install it.

When the installation is complete, run it and select ‘Set up an identity’ or ‘Change Identity’.

Fill in the username and Team ID (234980) you wrote down before. Optionally, get a passkey for more points/higher rewards here and fill it in as well (you’ll need your username and and email address for this).

Press “Save”. Adjust your Folding Power to where you want it. It will contribute more when you set it higher, meaning your rewards will be higher. Adjust as needed when your computer gets too loud or slow.
Press “Fold” and you’re good to go! You’re now supporting research and help fighting Coronavirus! You’re awesome! Thank you!

Rewards in BANANO cryptocurrency will be paid to your BANANO wallet address after your first work unit reaches 100% and approximately every 12 hours after that as long as you keep completing work. It might take 24 hours or even little more initially to get going.
For more questions and support, visit the BANANO Chat Server at You will also find more information on
You’ll find more information below, including some awesome videos!
How much crypto rewards will I get?
The more you use your CPU/GPU for protein folding calculations and the more powerful your computer is, and subsequently the more points you accumulate at Folding@Home, the higher your BANANO rewards will be. However, the amount of BANANO per point will fluctuate over time based on different parameters. Thus, it’s hard to predict how much you’ll earn from this exactly. Of note, we’re not aiming here to make this profitable for professional miners, and you’ll not get rich based on current prices. Take this merely as an incentive to contribute to something good. If you like to discuss with others about how much they received or have questions join the BANANO discord server and find the #banano-miner chat channel.
You don’t care about the rewards? No problem:
You don’t care about getting crypto rewards but would like to contribute to Folding@Home and fight CoronaVirus? No problem! If you still want to support the BANANO team just fill in this info (it will count your contributions towards our F@H team and send your rewards to our burn address. Note: You will not get any rewards when you use these credentials!):
User Name: evsqoyq4g2ja
Team Name: 234980

Related Links and More Information

BananoMiner Website
Folding@Home Website
Folding@Home Official Statement about Coronavirus
BananoMiner Banano Payout address
Even more Info: Awesome related videos:
New to Crypto? Or BANANO? Ok, what the Fork is BANANO?
For those of you who don’t know BANANO yet, it’s obviously perfect to just read our brand-new animated, meme-rich and interactive Yellowpaper! Before you give up, BANANO is made for crypto noobs, so everyone will be able to get started with it. Don’t give up yet!
BANANO is a cryptocurrency (forked from NANO in April 2018) powered by DAG technology — here to distrupt the meme economy. Yes, BANANO has memes! And also feeless and near-instant transactions, a highly active community, and active technical development! The BANANO community doesn’t take themselves too seriously, but we’re here for the long run and we enjoy what we do. A concise explanation can also be found here at Bitcointalk, or on our official website, and you’ll find help getting started at
See current BANANO price and market data at Coingecko. All current trading pairs and exchanges here.
On top of this, BANANO is super easy to use and puts an emphasis on free and fair distribution and crypto education. Just try our slick mobile wallet called Kalium and get your first free $BANANO from one of our faucets within minutes!

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BANANO ($BAN) is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.
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