Free BANANO NFTs: cryptomonKeys Update #6: Mine cryptomonKey NFTs in AlienWorlds!
BANANO is a DAG-based cryptocurrency with easy-to-use apps, distributed entirely for free through airdrops, faucets, and games. All…

BANANO is a DAG-based cryptocurrency with easy-to-use apps, distributed entirely for free through airdrops, faucets, and games. All happening in a fun, community-driven, meme-rich, and educational atmosphere.
The BANANO community project cryptomonKeys just started few months ago. It’s all about distributing NFTs/digital trading cards for free, and the positive feedback and excitement by the community were absolutely awesome so far. Today we’re announcing monKeymining — mine cryptomonKey NFTs by playing the game AlienWorlds!
Also, we’ll reveal our brand-new cryptomonKeys NFT trading card this time here in this blog post!

monKeymining Announcement
If you follow the cryptomonKeys social media channels you know it already: We are expanding to other planets far beyond the moon: You can now mine cryptomonKeys NFTs by playing the brand new free-to-play/play-to-earn NFT-based game Alien Worlds.
What is Alien Worlds?
The Alien Worlds Team is building an awesome and innovative NFT-based gaming ecosphere with lots of future possibilities including community governance. The game is currently in open beta and mining is live as its first in-game feature since a few weeks. No worries, mining does not require any powerful computer, it basically just needs your time to play and even works on a normal smartphone. You currently receive Trilium (TLM, the in-game cryptocurrency) and AlienWorld NFTs for mining in Alien Worlds.
If you would like to learn more about Alien Worlds check out
Also here’s a tutorial by anyobservation explaining how to get started in Alien Worlds:
monKeymining is Here — Earn Exclusive Bonus NFTs!
The cool thing particular is that the Alien Worlds Team is building a DeFi-NFT-focused metaverse that allows other projects to integrate their NFTs into the game. The cryptomonKeys team decided to engage early on with this new ecosphere and distributes cryptomonKeys NFTs to players mining on lands owned by the cryptomonKeys project. And, on top of regular in-game Trillium and Alien Worlds NFT rewards: monKeymining is here!
This has all just started and we will provide more detailed information and tutorials over time, but here is how to get started:
- If you don’t have a WAX Cloud Wallet yet, get one here in just a few seconds: (now download required, just sign up with Google or other social media handles)
- Next, head over to and log in with your Wax Cloud Wallet (make sure popups are not blocked). Note: If you are new and have no AlienWorlds NFTs yet, just wait a few minutes and try again in case you’re running into any error messages. You will receive free NFTs to get started, but this sometimes takes few minutes. If you need support, join our discord and find the channel #monkeymining. We are happy to help you ❤
- When you are ready for mining, you will need to set a land you will ‘mine’ on. To be eligible for cryptomonKeys bonus rewards, select the planet ‘Neri’ and then use any one of the lands listed below for mining:
Planet Neri, coordinates 35:5, Tree Forest
Planet Neri, coordinates 18:7, Mountains
Planet Neri, coordinates 5:10, Rocky Crater
Planet Neri, coordinates 7:7, Plains
Land details can be found here.

- Every time you mine you will receive Trillium (TLM, the in game currency) and have a chance on AlienWorlds NFTs. If you mine on one of the lands owned by the cryptomonKeys project you will additionally get guaranteed cryptomonKeys NFTs as rewards! It’s that easy, no need to do more from your side, we will pull the data directly from the blockchain and send it to your wallet after a week or so.
- In case of doubt if all is correct or any questions, join our discord and ask anyone in the channel #monkeymining for help to double check.
monKeymining Rewards Details
This is just starting and the game is brand new, so here’s the basic information we have for now:
- Everyone who mines on one of the cryptomonKeys lands will get cryptomonKeys NFT rewards.
- We will especially distribute considerable amounts of the next few new cards/NFTs this way.
- We are now already tracking how much TLM everyone mines and will rank all participants over time.
- The more you mine the higher chances you’ll have on more (and more rare) cryptomonKeys.
- We also will distribute cryptomonKeys randomly between all users who mine on cryptomonKeys lands (to give users who don’t mine much or often still a chance to win rare cards).
- We aim to send out mining rewards regularly (e.g. weekly) but the first rewards might take a bit longer to arrive in your accounts. We however hope to send out first rewards after roughly one week as well.
- All TLM you mine from now until further notice will count for monKeymining!
- Consider this an open beta and the first step of our long-term connection to the Alien Worlds ecosphere (with likely higher rewards now than in the future). We will provide regular updates!
Which cards will I exactly earn for mining?
While all amounts and probabilities are not set in stone, we already can say that especially early miners will receive rather generous rewards. We committed to distribute considerable amounts of the next few cryptomonKeys trading cards to monKeyminers and will top up those rewards with recently released cards of all rarities.
Plus, we are revealing this brand-new RARE card just here and now:
Planet of the monKeys (Rare, max 423 mints).
With very few exceptions this card will be exclusively distributed to early monKeyminers!

Stay tuned for more cryptomonKeys to be revealed shortly, and see you on Neri, the Planet of the monKeys!
What are cryptomonKeys?
cryptomonKeys is a freely distributed, community-driven, meme-rich digital trading card series based on NFT technology, here to disrupt the meme economy.
This upcoming BANANO community project has NFT giveaways and events running regularly on all platforms, especially on Discord! Learn more here:
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Trade cryptomonKeys at AtomicHub: live trading offers | sale history
We have giveaways and events running regularly on all platforms! Join/follow us to not miss any — and thanks for sharing with your friends!
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Collection stats at: AtomicHub | Waxplorer | CryptoSlam

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