Free BANANO NFTs: cryptomonKeys Update #16: Month 6 Recap & Party Invite for YOU!
BANANO is a DAG-based cryptocurrency with easy-to-use apps, distributed entirely for free through airdrops, faucets, and games. All…

BANANO is a DAG-based cryptocurrency with easy-to-use apps, distributed entirely for free through airdrops, faucets, and games. All happening in a fun, community-driven, meme-rich, and educational atmosphere.
The BANANO community project cryptomonKeys started 6 months ago. It’s all about distributing NFTs/digital trading cards for free, and the positive feedback, growth and excitement by the community were truly awesome so far. Lots of news, meaning it’s time for another cryptomonKeys community update with a short Month 6 recap and a Party invite for YOU!

cryptomonKeys Month 6 Recap
It’s now already half a year since the launch of cryptomonKeys on September 19th, 2020, and it’s been an awesome ride so far, YUGE thanks to everyone who joined so far! Month 6 was filled with lots of fun, more cards and adventures in Alien Worlds! Here’s a quick summary and few highlights:
More New Cards!
Within month 6 we released cryptomonKeys No 40 to 45!

Previous updates:
cryptomonKeys Update #1 | Update #2 | Update #3 | Update #4 | Update #5 | Update #6 | Update #7 | Update #8 | Update #9 | Update #10 | Update #11 | Update #12 | Update #13 | Update #14 | Update #15
Going Strong: monKeymining and monKeystaking!
You probably have joined already: We have massively expanded to other planets far beyond the moon and still are growing: More than 3000 users already earn cryptomonKeys NFTs by playing the upcoming free-to-play/play-to-earn NFT-based game Alien Worlds!
This has started as another way to distribute cryptomonKeys for free (here to users playing the game Alien Worlds) and turned out to be something that’s a lot of fun to do as a community. cryptomonKeys focused on Planet Neri (ranked last/6th by staking when we started) and brough it meanwhile to 1st place based on staking. Meanwhile we have completed 6 cycles of NFT monKeymining and staking and sent out more than 13000 cryptomonKeys to users mining and staking in the Alien Worlds metaverse! Help getting started and all updates summarized here.

Celebrate with us! Join the Party tonight!
When? Saturday, March 20, starting now
Where? cryptomonKeys Discord Server
Join now and check #announcements channel for updates, and join the 6 month celebration giveaway by leaving your WAX address in #giveaways.
We also have an AlienWorlds monKeyfi design contest and some more activities going, including BANANO #airdrops throughout the night!
If you’re new to BANANO, NFTs, cryptomonKeys, crypto or whatever that is no problem at all — simply speak up in the channel #monkeytalk and we’ll help you! Everyone is welcome!
If you read this later: We always have giveaways or contests going on, just hop over to our Discord!

Current ways to get free cryptomonKeys NFTs
- Mine cryptomonKeys by playing the game Alien Worlds!
- Follow our social media channels for regular giveaways and events
- Currently running Twitter Giveaways:
Card 31/32 Giveaway
Card 33 Giveaway
Card 34 Giveaway
Card 45 Giveaway - Join our discord server and create memes or cryptomonKeys art, or contribute by helping others, or read the pinned post in the channel #intro-and-feedback
- Guess the name of the next card based on hints on the current card in the #monkeyguessing channel on our discord server
- If you have a decent following (1019+ followers) at twitter or other social media: Contact us, maybe we’re up for doing a giveaway together with you and reward you with free cards.
- Hold any cryptomonKey in your wallet and you have a chance on monKeyfarm drops (learn more)
- Also: Stay tuned and follow our social media for always new and always more ways to earn free cryptomonKeys!
Some numbers after 6 months of cryptomonKeys:
Card motives released: 45 (39) (Website | AtomicHub | Waxplorer | CryptoSlam)
Total Cards minted: 72323 (49733)
Cards distributed: 40169 (33330) (55% distributed)
Number of accounts holding at least one cryptomonKey NFT: 8170 (7288)
(all numbers total; last month values in brackets)
Month 6 market stats:
Number of trades between users: 3750 (2592)
Monthly trading volume: 150,074 WAX ($35943)
Since project launch:
Total trading volume: 1,140,933 ($280,898)
Total trades: 10095
Highest sale on secondary markets within month 5:
monKeyprinter Go BRRR cryptomonKey No 1 (Legendary) sold for 7387 WAX ($1773)
Join cryptomonKeys!
We have giveaways and events running regularly on all platforms! Join/follow us to not miss any — and thanks for sharing with your friends!
Discord: 4240 (last month: 3128)
Twitter: 7077 (last month: 5033)
Instagram: 824 (last month: 671)
Telegram group: 2817 (last month: 2448)
More at Telegram: news channel | card feed channel | Spanish group
Trade cryptomonKeys at AtomicHub: live trading offers | sale history
Collection stats at: AtomicHub | Waxplorer | CryptoSlam
Any mention of a third party platform, product, service or website in this article does not imply an endorsement by the BANANO core team. All information is provided to the author’s best knowledge at the time of writing, will likely not be updated and thus might be outdated when this article is read in the future. CryptomonKeys is a community project created by two BANANO core team members, SoggyApplePie and bantano. CryptomonKeys is building on the BANANO MonKey concept (visual account representatives) created and developed by Yekta and bbedward from the BANANO core team. This article was written by bantano with lots of help from SoggyApplePie and Vyryn.
Join the Banano Republic!
BANANO ($BAN) is a fee-less, instant, rich in potassium cryptocurrency powered by DAG technology disrupting the meme economy.
Official Website:
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Community News: The Daily Peel
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